“Want to go out tonight?” “Yeah ok, but it can’t be late because I have an interview first thing in the morning” “Yeah no probs, I can’t have a late one either, I have a big day at work tomorrow, ok see you about 9, we’ll just have a quiet drink ok”. Thus was spoken and out lined as the plan. Needless to say I have never seen a night go so far of plan so quickly.
I worked to 11 pm to have most of my prep done for my interview, and then we head to Oxford Street, and instead of going to Arq straight away I suggested we go to “Name This Bar” next door as it was empty and hence no line for the bar with a good DJ and I was there the night before and it had a fun vibe. I was out with a straight mate, married with kids. We were at the bar and two huge guys walked in; they were both muscley and good looking and could have been bouncers. Mr. Straight Dad says to me look at those guys, they are foot ballers, first grade NRL. I didn’t have a clue who they were, but Mr. Straight Dad being the working class hero that he is felt the need to go talk to them and confirm that they were who he thought they were. I found them quiet off putting, as they were staring at me and not in a welcoming way. I needed to go to the toilet and I thought before I went that blonde angry looking one would follow me and I wasn’t sure why I thought he would, it was just a feeling I had, and I didn’t know if he would be looking for trouble or….. Something else. Anyway I was right he did follow me in 30 seconds after I had gone in to the toilets and frankly I was a little scared, why had he followed me in, was he going to cause trouble or was he a closet homo? I decided I wasn’t about to find out and left. My friend told me to come and join them and they were polite a fun, and we started doing rounds. These guys were HUGE, I’m a big guy 120kg and a little scary looking but with a nice face and these guys were bigger than me, The really big front rower was probably 135 kg plus and he was really good looking and the blonde back rower was very manly but not as cute as the front rower, which is strange as its usually the other way around, but the back rower is very famous and probably has a top 15 media profile out of all the NRL. We did 11 rounds in a little over an hour and then headed to Arq, the front rower was wearing thongs and he wanted to get in so he bought shoes off the bouncer on the door so he could come in. We all went in and night really began. While we were smoking outside Straight Dad told me that a dude on adult match maker and sent him a photo of his dick and it was huge half way to his knee, soft. And then he said, “I’m really enjoying looking at guys cocks and I got a fat looking at this guys dick” well I found this a bit surprising. But just smiled and said oh, ok, wow. I guess a lot of straight guys like other guys dicks, they are pretty fascinating I guess. Unfortunately Arq was a bit of a drug dealers convention last night and there was a bit of tension between the different dealer, of which my drunk friend managed to find his way into the middle of, and then get into an argument with one of the footballers. I latter found him smoking a strangers crack pipe in the toilets. And later in the night he came and found me and told me “I just sucked my first cock but I didn’t really like it”. Mmmm defiantly an interesting night and an interesting friend. I wonder did he suck cock because he was fucked up, or did he get fucked up so he could suck cock? What came first the chicken or the egg, or in his case the cock or the alcohol. The sun was nearly up and I wanted to get home. I worked on my CV and made it to my interview, no longer completely Straight Dad didn’t come home with me, I think he was liking the man he had filatoed. Our next phone call should be interesting, he phoned to tell me he skipped work today, but said “I can’t remember anything about last night” is that code for don’t tell me what happened? Not a chance! I will defiantly be bringing it up….. lol haha.