Sorry to anyone who has been waiting for my next post, I guess I have come to a place where I am very happy with my gay identity, happier than I have ever been before, so hopefully for the next little while I am goint to focus on that exclusively. I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that now that I am happy to be gay, I feel no pressure to be straight so I guess I have true freedom of choice for the first time because I can choose what I want to do and who I want to be for the first time ever. I may meet a really cool girl just around the corner and then I guess this blog with be up and running again, but at the moment I will put this one on rest, and if you would like to follow me on my other blog, it is
Gay Man In Sydney
Many thanks to all my viewers, and please follow my new adventures at the above address. xoxo CF.