I went back to a hair dresser in the city that I found before Christmas, he was nice and cut my hair well. While he was cutting my hair he started talking about traveling around Europe and the best places to party like Berlin and Ibiza, dropping a suttel, its great for girls and boys, and then out of the blue he asked are you gay? This was not a faggy saloon, it was a man’s man barber shop and the dude cutting my hair was very straight acting. I decided I would go with yes. I never know how to answer this question, but seeing as he was cute, and nice I thought maybe he was sussing me out for himself. It turns out he is Jordanian, not many Australians know much about Jordan but I lived there for a bit and I went to a diplomatic school, and two of my best friends were Jordanian Dipo Brats. So this was very forward for a Jordanian man to ask something so personal after only meeting me twice. I was a little shocked as I know most Arabs are very polite around sex, and I was wearing my work boots and other butch work cloths and I was covered in dirt for laboring under the hot sun all day. If ever there was a look that would hide that I was gay, then today was the day. And yet he saw straight through me. I hate when people can do that. I feel vulnerable and a little bit raped. I like being about to control who knows and who doesn’t. So after going quite for a few minutes I asked “how did you know I was gay? People can never pick me” and he said, I knew you were gay, even if you had said no, I was only asking to be polite, I knew you were. Well I still don’t know how he was so sure, but I guess he is cute and a hair dresser so he is probably pretty in tune with stuff like that. Maybe I stared at him a bit too long, he is my type, but I thought I was discreet. I have gotten into the habit of not looking away from guys I like, like I used to because I think if wog boys can eye ball you and stare you down, why can’t I?
He was telling me a little bit about his girlfriend and then he goes, I was gay once, well I mean I used to be gay, but now I have a girl friend I am happy and I don’t cheat or even think about cheating, but she gets a bit nervous that I will. I asked why he even told her, and he said that she asked about him and guys, so he didn’t lie. I thought this was nice and honest of him to tell me this, and he said he had a lot of friends who were the same, they had been with guys but they were happy with girls and didn’t cheat. I guess he has no religious pressure on him as he made a remark about drugs and other free living comments so I think he can be his own man.
I found the whole experience very liberating, because here was an Arab man cutting my hair, liberal in his views, nice to talk to and he said to me as I was leaving, hey mate maybe one day you will try it with a woman as well, you never know what life brings you. I didn’t tell him I was actually bi like him, I thought I would save that for next time. I was finding talking to him really interesting so I asked him to wash my hair so I didn’t have to leave straight away, I always find it so sexual, and seeing as he was telling me he wasn’t available I thought it was a good way to channel the sexual energy I could feel between us, and he was sensual and very good like I thought he would be.
He barely knows me and yet he felt safe and confident to be honest about who we was and his sexual experiences and where he stands, it’s so rare for Bi sexual people to open about that, it was really nice and refreshing. I could see he had no fear or shame about who he was and it was very attractive. May be thats why he could pick me because he can sense people who are like him. Yet another Bi Sexual man who I found really attractive and interesting, I really do think we are the most interesting and sexiest people out there. There must be something about a man who can find women sexy and be masculine and yet sensitive and sexually interesting enough to want to have sex with men.