It’s a New Year and time for a new blog. I have been writing Gay Man In Sydney for two and half months now it’s going very well, but part of the reason for writing it was to explore the gay side of my identity in depth and to confront things people having been saying to me my whole life “you're gay you just can’t admit it to yourself. I never thought they were right, but I have grown up with a lot of religious bigotry and no expectance around me so I thought maybe I would be out to everyone if didn’t have that pressure around me. But after a few months of exploring this side of me exclusively in a positive accepting way I am no closer to thinking that that’s who I am exclusively. There seems to be a heterosexual side to me that won’t go away no matter how hard I try and kill it. Being Bi is very lonely. By its very nature it is duplicitous; to be bi you basically have to have two lives as there are very few accepting people out there who get it, or accept it. People like other people tucked away in nice little boxes, safely confined to stereo types and, Bi sexual just fucks with most people’s heads, they hate people who blur the line especially sexually.
I don’t feel I can write about any bisexual things in-depth on my other blog as gay people seem to be just as upset if not more by bisexual people and view them as weak, and “fags who aren’t strong enough to come out properly” like they have. So to explore this side of my life in proper detail, I am starting this Bi Man About Town. I hate the name Bi, but I guess Homo and Hetro aren’t much better. Try sexual was funny until it was being used as a gag line by old women in movies “I’m try sexual” would be trotted out by some old dear for a cheap laugh. Ambidextrous is my favorite term, but I’m not sure it has the same ring to it: Ambidextrous man about town?
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