Sure they are sexy men with high salaries and public profiles, but that isn’t the only reason I’m thinking about who’s gay or Bi in the NRL or AFL, its sheer statistics, 200 plus men in each code at the top leave, I think gay in the population runs at 5% to 10 % depending on where you see stats, and I think same sex experimentation runs much higher, like 50 % plus. So I know it’s hard for them to out when their public image declares that they be big tough men, and if they sneak round they could be outed. Other than Ian Roberts no one has done it. I think people were suspecting a flood after he did but it never happened. And I think that people are shocked as still don’t know why more haven’t, even if was outed in a scandal or waiting until they had retired and then coming out. Eddie McGuire has gone on record as saying he knows of several in the AFL that had indicated to him that they are, but he will obviously never say anything unless they chose to come out.
So I have no insider info, but what I would like to do is run sweep to see who people think will be next. You can nominate who you want to be next out, in two ways, the person you think is gay will be outed or the footballer that you would most like to be gay, but please indicate whether it’s just a wish or based on suspicions or facts.
My nomination is Paul Licuria, he is on my wish list because he is so dreamy, do I think he is? No prof but my gaydar says yeah maybe, but I doubt he would ever go public. In my fantasy he has to be in the closet and do it with his friends or team mates who also have to be discreet. Some like Brody Holland…. Mmmm that would be nice.
Oh and another nomination, Ben Cusins, what was all that drug use about? I’m thinking he was trying to repress the fact that he’s a blatant homosexual… haha, well I recon he would be brave enough to come out after all his other public trouble, let’s see if I’m right.

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