Friday, January 7, 2011

Bi Polar Bi Sexual

When I saw Bi Polar come up under a google search I did for Bi Sexual, after first being offended that they were linked, my second reaction was to wonder if there was a reason a mental health disorder would have a similar name to a sexual orientation, which I happen to believe there is nothing wrong with.  I think it is social conditioning that has led society to have a problem with Bi Sexual people.  I have been having a few moment lately were I feel as though being Bi Sexual is just all too much and TOO hard and want to hide under a rock and go back to a time where I hide and repressed all these feelings.  I think being a Bi Sexual Male in 2010 is as hard as being a pioneer gay in the 1970’s.  Gay is accepted and understood, and Bi is still so hard to be accepted as a realistic dateable option by either orientation.  When choosing to live openly as Bi sexual other people don’t seem to realize there is a level of honesty and commitment that comes in doing something so socially challenging.  That they don’t seem to understand that when I say I love YOU, that I mean it and yes I do think you can meet my needs and I won’t need to cheat to have my needs met.
As of today I am beginning to wonder if being Bi Sexual may in the end make me Bi Polar. L J  look I’m already sad and happy at the same time, even my emotioncons get it, why can’t others?  i'm not a liability, I'm a decent honest person who know a lot about committing to things that aren't easy.  If if you don't want to get serious I'm a hell of a good time,- no one knows how to have fun like a Bi Sexual, - hey I think I just made a bumper sticker.

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