Monday, January 24, 2011

Love My Neighbour

Queensland and Victoria may be flooded but, I had one in my apartment building as well.  There was a fire in my building and there are sprinklers installed that went off and flooded three floors below.  One lady who was flooded seemed nice, and I had seen her throw a birthday party for a baby and mother even though they only know each other from living in the same building.  The lady who through the party is a Lawyer and the mother and baby are aboriginal and from far north Queensland, and we all say hello around the swimming pool.  What really impressed me is there is huge socio economic gap between these two, and I know it’s not polite to say it or think like that, but its true and its there, but the way the lawyer lady is able to bridge the gap and pretend that there was none, was really impressive.  Her flawless gracious manners are really amazing.  In a big city like Sydney were everyone is over stimulated, and no one wants to have to talk to their neighbors’ in case they make a habit of it, like has happened to me in the past (you can tell I am an Eastern Suburbs snob at heart can’t you) I am defiantly part of the problem, not the solution…. Haha lol.  I saw this women building a community around her.  My building is not that great, sure it’s nice and has a pool and tennis court, but it’s also a little bit of a Junkie den, with more than one dealer living here (next door to me actually).  The only time I want to talk to anyone in the lift is when they are brutally hot, and there is sexual tension between us, and I want to fuck them, then I’m up for a chat.
Any way I had a new bed that had come my way, so I gave it to her, I thought I didn’t need it, so why not, and I was going to give her my couch as well, but then I found her a new, better one than mine in our building that was left behind, and as I was helping her move it into her place, I saw that she had written in chalk on her wall
Today I am grateful for…….
Mmmm what a wonderful mantra, I am going to practice that every day.  Well I am sick again and unable to work today, but then a waiter got talking to me at breakfast and it turns out he is my age and his cancer has come back for a second time……. Wow made me feel a little small.  So I am grateful for not having cancer at a young age, and I am grateful for not being a dull idiot like my brother, but they are both things I am glad I am not.  So to be grateful for something I am…… smart? Sounds stuck up to say it.  I am grateful I have a gift for living life, and finding fun in almost anything.
Ps.  Lawyer lady is helping me tender for some building work being done in our building, tomorrow night at the body corporate meeting, so look from one little act of kindness, which was she offered me some champagne by the pool one hot Saturday afternoon, and then to come to the little girls 1st birthday party, I helped her find furniture when she had non, and she is helping me generate work, I also know she is a published author so maybe she will help me get published.

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